31DC2013 Day 20: Water Marble Pattern Nails

by - September 20, 2013

Hello Everyone!!
Day 20 Challenge - Water Marble. I wasn't looking forward for this challenge. This has to be most difficult challenge for me so far. Water Marble is not in my forte. I suck at it. I am always fascinated by water marble. Its fun and amazing right? I mean who thought you can drop a polish in water ,swirl it and do something fantastic from it. I DIDNT - Never in my wildest dream.  I was amused when I knew we can do something like that. But its not that easy like it sound. Water marble is very hard technique. Its always turn into horrible disaster. I try  this technique whenever I brought new polish but NEVER  has it gone once right Sigh -.-"
It didn't this time either. I tried it like four or five times but Nada the technique keep turning into BIG FAIL. I thought of  skipping this challenge. But WAIT!!! Look what I found in my hidden treasure :D

OH YEAH!!! WATER MARBLE. I was searching my computer and found this on my collection. Yes this will be  Throwback nail art for this competition. I made this like last year umm or may be year before that. Like you see it doesn't look like water marble (I didnt wear base color that time. I just dip my nude nails on design.) but I was still happy because I did achieved some design rather than just bulk of nail polish stuck on my nail. I just got once picture. I thought of sharing this picture rather then skipping a challenge. I hope to learn the technique soon. If you got any suggestion how to do water marble then please comment below (: I realized today's is the last day of PATTERN Challenge. From tomorrow INSPIRED BY Challenge will be started. Let see how can I keep getting inspired.

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  1. When I was first learning how to do watermarbling I watched soo many YouTube videos and picked up on little tips like the water temperature and to work quickly before the polish dries too much. My suggestion would be to just look up a bunch of tutorials on it to build up confidence. Good luck!

    1. I did (: I watched most of the videos from youtube. but mine just dont seem to work (: but thanks I will keep trying (:

  2. You shouldn't be so hard on your self! The one you showed looked great!
    One issue that many people in at least sweden has a problem with is the water, You know, water could in physics language be "hard" or "soft" depending on which minerals are in it. Some people like me uses regular tap water, just directly from the tap. For some people that doesn' work and they have to either;
    -leave tap water in a bottle for a day and THEN use it
    -use mineral water (I guess any bubble or no bubble)
    -use special destilled water.
    But then again it depend on exactly what's your marbeling problem? If it's getting specific pattern on each nail you perhaps need to use a smaller cup or use a needle to get your preferred design! :)

    1. I use filter water that we drink (but not mineral water)Umm my problem is nail polish doesn't spread on water. It just dissolve. and some times when it spreads till i made design with toothpick the polish seems to already dried up. I use g;ass cup for water marbelling. may be i should try on plastic ones . Thanks This are great tip (: I will try again and again (:

  3. I love these, I think they look great. The great thing about marbles is it can never really be 'wrong' as every marble is so entirely different. I agree that there are a lot of conflicting tips when it comes to water marble. I always use tap water for mine but I will leave it sitting for a few hours to naturally adjust temperature. Sometimes you just have to keep trying but I think these are really good, you should be proud! :)

    1. Awh thank you for boosting me up (: Well i have to agree though there is no "wrong" way in water mrarbelling. I should try with tap water. it might work for me to (:

  4. Pretty! The problem I have when marbling usually is the nail polish dries too fast. So heres my advice:
    Make sure the drop of nail polish isnt too big, this will cause it to sink down instead of spreading.

    Don't drop it from too high up, this will also cause it to sink.

    The polishes dont have to be high quality. I find that cheaper nail polish brands work better.

    Have all fans off, they will make it dry up really fast.

    1. Thanks for the tips (: I follow all the steps you suggested but it still didnt work for me.. ): i dont where i am going wrong


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