31DC2013 Day 5 : Blue Nails

by - September 06, 2013

Hello Everyone!!!
Blue nails Challenge Day 5. My favourite color :') As I am taking this challenge  as a excuse to create all those design I always wanted to paint and pushing myself a little further. I thought of making a nail art completely using a striper. Basket Weave Design was perfect for it. I just needed to draw lines from any direction tee hee :P
What do you think? Interesting right? I used Caiuro #16 Blueberry as my base color and Sonata blue for line. fun thing about this mani is you can draw lines from anywhere. You don't need to follow any pattern.
My lines are aint perfect. but I am how with finally product. I made this is ONE GO. So I am getting  good with striper. This Mani is fun and easy to make. If you are master at using striper then its a child play. Else it will little tedious. But Anyone give a try. I hope you like Today Mani (; Let me know on the comment!!
Please check out my previous challenge. I have put lots of effort on them Its sad I couldn't post them on time.
31DC2013 Day 1: Red Nails- Butterfly
31DC2013 Day 2: Orange Nails- Chains
31DC2013 Day 3: Yellow Nails- Pikachu
31DC2013 Day 4: Green Nail- Crescent
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