
Death Note Nail Art

by - September 01, 2018

Hello Everyone!!! Happy weekend ya'll.
Recently I watched Death Note , Netflix Version. If you don't know, Death Note is an adaptation of the popular anime and manga franchise of the same name. I have watched the anime and I absolutely loved it. Its one of the anime that made me fall into the genre again. While being a fan of  Death Note  my expectations for this particular live action of one of the best anime/manga series were very low to say the very least. But I gave it a chance and watched Netflix Death Note and I am so disappointed. If you have watched the anime then you know what I am talking about.If you really wanna know more about Death Note I suggest to read manga/anime or just don't bother at all. This movie is just an insult to original series.
Anyway lets go back to topic, for today's manicure I decided to draw one of my favorite character from Death Note RUYK. He is one the Shinigami (god of death). I hand painted the character and simple wrote Death Note.I am happy how Ruyk turned out. And love the overall outcome.
So let me know what you think about today's manicure and comment below. I will see you soon. Thank you for visiting.

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