Hello There!!!

Its from Glamor nail 60 again. Same price!! I Was in love
with the colors asap after i saw it. I was like "I had to get it" Its
beautiful and lovely brownish!! i might to have coat 2 to 3 coat for
better result !!

This is From Camieo Power Lasting 6. I always wanted to own a Light Purple and i couldnt have get Any beautiful color other than this one. I searched a lot to buy this color and finally my eye caught it. It cost me 60bucks/.75$

Welcome to my another nails polish haul. I just realized this is the fourth time i ma posting about my haul's- hope to increase the number more ;)
shopping was unplanned. It just happened. And it was great FUN!!! It
was partly cloudy when i went for shopping with kiddo(my little
sister).. It start to rain so freaking bad when we were in cab. Although
we had umbrella we were totally wet cuz mother nature wanted to dance
with rain i guess ;) It was raining from every where north ,south and
up,down. Water was dripping from my hair when i reached my destination.
One more shopping memories to remember :D As usual my mission was to get
as much nail colors as I could :P I went to my favorite shopping mall
and brought all the nails colors from two shops. I was introduced to
new brand "GLAMOR NAIL". All the colors from this brand are
seriously to die for :') Shiny as well as Matt colors were so different,
beautiful and this brand has variety of colors. How bad I wish I could
buy every of them :D Then I found another new brand "COLORS" It
didn't have much colors as option but its does have some beautiful
colors to make you gaga.I brought seven colors Two almost pastels, Two metallic and basic colors- White, Black and Transparent.
Neon Green Lets say ;) It is perfect green highlighting color. Its so rich n color and looks yummy hehe :P It from Glamor nail 35 and its cost me 1$ /80 bucks. Yeah Its costly. but I love the color so much cant say no |;

This is From Camieo Power Lasting 6. I always wanted to own a Light Purple and i couldnt have get Any beautiful color other than this one. I searched a lot to buy this color and finally my eye caught it. It cost me 60bucks/.75$
This one is from Colors 60.
It is so freaking rich in color.Look how beautiful bluish blackish
shade it has :') How bad I wished I had this color when I was painting
my nails with Galaxy Nail art . It could have been so perfect. But never mind. I can paint it again ;) Its cost me 70 bucks/.80$.
Primary colors- Transparent color From "True Lover 56". Its cost me 60 bucks. I couldn't find charm limit top coat anywhere so decided to try this one
Black and White are from Glamor nail 49 and 48 respectively.No matter how many others colors i have i cant live without black and white. they are always the most (:

And brought a black striper.
I ma glad announced I ma getting quite good with stripers ^-^ Its
costs me 35 bucks.Iclearly it used to costs me 170 bucks when it just
started to get available in market but now the price is drop. Happy to
know that :D
Stay tuned I will be posting lots of nail art from all this colors - Till then
Take Care