
Born Pretty Store Product Review

by - January 16, 2015

*Product were provided to me for review. All opinions are mine and not influenced by third party.
Hello Everyone!!!
I have another great post for you! Today I have a product to review from the Born Pretty Store. Like I mentioned in the earlier post, I received a mail from BPS asking for collaboration and reviewing their products. Ofcourse the answer was YES. The only question that remained was whether they ship their products to my country or not (Generally My country NEPAL isnt listed on International Shipping List.) When I got a reply saying that they do I was beyond happy. According to the mail, the products wore supposed to arrive here in 3 -4 weeks and I was wondering if I might have to visit Post office to collect them but to my surprise the products were delivered to my doorstep within two weeks. What a complimentary services!  Lets jump into review, Shall we?
You can get a 10% discount on all Born Pretty Store items when you use the coupon code:ASXW10
The  product is a Leaf & Feather Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate BORN PRETTY 18. The Patterns are so beautiful and perfect for my style. The plate is filled with amazing and stunning pattern. But my favourite is feathers and Comedy tragedy mask.
Consdering the fact that this is the first time I ever used stamping I was able to get some good results from most of this plate.The plate is very deeply etched which means  picking up the pattern was very easy.
I used a nude polish from Hello Kitty Collection as my base color and stamped with black polish from same brand. As this is my first try in stamping its a little mess.Any suggestion on how to stamp perfectly would be welcome.
What do you think of this stamping plate? Which pattern is your favourite?  
You can buy this product from here

Born Pretty Store offers free shipping worldwide. Don't forget to use my discount code ASXW10 for 10% off your next order!

I hope you like today's post. Thank you for visiting. I will see you soon.
Until then...

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  1. I think your stamping looks great!! I'm very new to it a well so I can't give you any tips, but it looks really good! Such cute patterns on that plate too :)

    1. I think the practice and patience is all we need for stamping hehe. I didnt realize the stamping plate is sheld with thin blue plastic and I get frustrated for almost an hour trying to stamp LOL. Yes the plate got very fun pattern (:

  2. You created a beautiful mani in a good combination!

    1. Thank you (: Nude and black is always a winner! (:

  3. Nice stamping :) I like the feathers the most :) What rubber do you have? I recommend soft rubbers, it's easier to stamp with them in my opinion.

    1. Thank you :D I am glad you like the feathers. Well there was no comapny name on the stamping kit. But it looks like a usual pink colored stamping kit. I didnt knew stamping kit and plate were available in my place. I practically visit every damn mall and shops for this but I never find it. But when I realized I choose Stamping plate for product review I was forced once more to search them and luckily I found it on the shop I usually shop and it hit me I never asked them before -.-"

  4. Looks very nice! :)

  5. I'm loving the designs here. Great mani :-)

  6. love your stamping, nice designs on this plate :D

    1. The plate got wonerful design indeed! thank you (:

  7. Wow what a beautiful collection of patterns on this plate! I am really loving their plates. I love how you chose to wear this mani :) xx

    1. Yes! BPS have some seriously wonderful plate make you wanna buy them all :D Thank you, I am glad you love it (:

  8. All patterns are gorgeous in that plate. If this is your first stamping i'm beyond impressed! it look awesome, the only way to improve it is to practice at this point. ^^

  9. i have this plate and i like it too ! you made wonderful designs !


I absolutely love reading all of your comments. Its means a lot to me. So keep them coming :D but I request you not to post any link that is not related to my post. Thank you!!