
Colorful Stripes!!!

by - January 11, 2015

 Hello Everyone!!!
Yes I changed my blog appearance again. The "Read more" button wasn't working on other tab pages so I mess a little with the HTML Code which backfired and I had to start up again So I thought I might as well give it a NEW Look. So beside boring part I have three exiting news to share (Kind Of- No Big Deal)
First I Reached 104 followers on my Tumblr acoount :D (Like mention No Big Deal I am just happy about it) Second I Finally Create An Instagram Account for my little Blog *Hurray* I have been thinking of creating IG account for a while now but I find it difficult already to mange all those pages for my blog so I kept at a hold. But again IG is so happening right now I couldn't wait longer. If you want to follow me there here is my username_upbeatnails_ Its not even been two weeks and I already got  great response for my nailart. I am pretty excited to see how my IG Journeys goes.And Finally the BIG One I am associated with Born Pretty Store. I got mail from them two weeks back and my blog is Officially Collaborate with BPS. You can use my code ASXW10 to get 10 % off the purchase.Whoa that was long So let jump into the nailart.

Colors used are Revlon Mint Green, NYC Empire State Blue, Camieo Purple, VOV Yellow  49 and Bloom Coral  Orange.
I kept the design very minimal some colorful stripes with black outline. I made the stripes with nail polish brush itself (no tape used not stripes.) Let me know what you think about this design.
Thank you for visiting. I will see you soon. Until then...

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  1. very beautiful design, you stripes are perfect :)
    I follow you as Fife Fantasi Nails on GFC, FB, Bloglovin, Pinterest G+ and Twitter
    Lovely blog :)

    1. Thank you (:
      I will foloow back in all of your account very soon :D

  2. Congratulations on the changes! nice nail art that goes well with your ring :)

    1. Thank you :D oh really, That ring is a gift from my little sister :D

  3. The black outlining has a great effect!

  4. I like the new layout - pretty cool :-)

    Nice nails too :-)

    1. hehe thank you (: I couldnt help but changes the whole layout once it backfired \:

  5. Awesome stripes! And hooray for your blog~

  6. Oh! Lots of greats news! I'm so happy for you! :D Also great and interesting nail art as usual :D Think I'f already following your IG account too :D

    1. Thank you Gelic :D You are first account that I folowed in IG :D and btw My little sis love your nails design (:

  7. That's such good news, congratulations on everything!! Love this nail art, the colours look so good together!

  8. Gorgeous design! I love these colours together, I don't know why but it makes me think of beaches! Congratulations on all your followers, you should feel so proud :) xx

    1. Thank you :D I am really happy with all the good things that happened. Beaches really? may be cuz of color combo? xx

  9. blog looks great, so do your nails :D


I absolutely love reading all of your comments. Its means a lot to me. So keep them coming :D but I request you not to post any link that is not related to my post. Thank you!!