Iron Man Nail Art

by - May 22, 2013

Hello Everyone!!!
Say hello to Iron man - The guy who occasional beats the bad guys and save the world.. Yes!!! you guessed it right. today I am here to share Iron Man manicure with touch of comic.Recently I watched Iron Man 3 and  loved it so much that i ended up making manicure for it. I LOVE  Tony Stark ,wish I could paint him too but never mind I am happy with my suit for now. I feel pretty powerful. YAY.!!

 Honestly speaking, making Iron Man suit with all small details got  my nerves !! Wondering how Tony Stark manage to create all of his boys *facepalm*
The comic Mani came up really well and it took a matter of second to get it right. But Seriously I kept trying and trying to get hold of that suit from Tuesday (1 to 2 hrs) but couldn't. And the sad part is " I FINISHED HALF OF MY NAIL POLISH REMOVER" but still couldn't get satisfied with how the suit look. So I QUIT. After all how long can a person have a endurance??
But on Wednesday  morning - Patience was my middle name. I sat to complete the Mani and I did. I finally got satisfied with suit shape and  I was happy and proud. It end up looking same way like how I imagined it should be.

Just ignore the mess and look how stunning my suit looks  - so ready to beat the bad guys!!

 Hard work always pays off! and the suit is ready to fight- "BOOM, CRASH, ZAP,POW" Yeah!!See you next time!


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