
31DC2014 Day 23:"Inspired By" A MOVIE

by - September 23, 2014

Hello Everyone!!!
I was happy with today's Prompt that is "Inspired By" A MOVIE. I have done tons of movie nail art. And Movie is one of the most inspiring factor for me to make a nail art. I was pretty excited to do it. I of course didn't had clue on which movie to work on. Than it hit me I recently watched Transformers: Age of Extinction, why not make a nail art out of it. So I searched the Google and lucky I found image that helped me transform the Main Character of the movie Optimums Prime on my nails.
I loved the  movie. Explosion, Robot Fighting what there not to love? But as a series it was disappointing. It was a great action movie but not great sequel.
 I have Attached the Image that helped me interpret Optimus Prime on my nails
I have used Acrylic paint to create this manicure. I wrote TRANSFORMER On my Index and Middle finger and Prime is on my accent nails. I am pleased with the Final product. Let me know what you think about this manicure. Comment below (:
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  1. Oh wow, this is amazing. Your writing and your Optimus are perfect! I love it!

    (You are quite right about the sequels though. All downhill after the first movie, although there were some great explosions in the second movie.)

    1. Thank you (: I first painted the outline from acrylic paint and fill them with polish.

      Yeah I wont bother seeing any further of this series (:

  2. My son likes Transformers a lot :) Well done :)

    1. Thank you (: I am big fan of animation series (cartoon) myself :D

  3. This is super cool - this is my favorite so far!

  4. Wow, you interpreted this excellently :D Loved everything about it :D I haven't watched all the movies yet though.

    1. Thank you Gelic :D I am glad you loved it (: If you love action movie you should watch it (:

  5. This looks really good I like it :-)


I absolutely love reading all of your comments. Its means a lot to me. So keep them coming :D but I request you not to post any link that is not related to my post. Thank you!!